Generous gay definition

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As the director of New Directions Ministry, a Canadian organization that was a part of Exodus International until it pivoted in 2007 toward building bridges between Christians and the LGBT communities, VanderWal-Gritter has a wealth of practical and personal experience to draw from. Wendy VanderWal-Gritter’s Generous Spaciousness: Responding to Gay Christians in the Church is not, alas, the book we have been waiting for. Instead, vague exhortations about how Christians need to be more loving and improve their image abound. While there has been no shortage of discussion among evangelicals about the moral and political status of homosexuality, few rigorously theological and pastorally sensitive resources have been developed for churches and pastors to learn best how to welcome gay into their communal and individual lives.

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It’s been five years since Andrew Marin published his widely read Love is an Orientation, and the need which Marin’s book attempted to fill has grown at a rapid pace.

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