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They comply, to hilarious and creative results. Meanwhile, celebs come out in support (and appreciation) of Harry and his physique, with Lady Gaga leading the online fray. 'HOLY MOTHER HARRY LOOKS FIT,' she tweeted. 'Hope no ones mad at him for that, I'm certainly not.' So speaketh Mother Monster, so speaketh the world.Īug. 23, 2012: Bullet-dodging party pal Ryan Lochte sits down with Matt Lauer and reveals his thoughts on Harry's hairy situation-specifically as they pertained to him avoiding being painted by the same scandalous brush. In the least surprising development yet, Playgirl tells E! News that, however unlikely, it would love to feature the au naturel Harry in its pages. And how much could such a spread cost? ' A million dollars is not out of the question,' the mag's publisher says.Īug. This is about the ludicrous situation where a picture can be seen by hundreds of millions of people around the world on the Internet, but can't be seen in the nation's favorite paper.' 24, 2012: British tabloid The Sun decides to run the Harry photo after all in its Friday edition with headline 'Heir It Is!' headline and subtitle 'Pic of naked Harry you've already seen on the Internet.' Managing editor David Dinsmore explains to E! News, 'For us, this is about the freedom of the press.

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